Photo Album - 2014

Koguduse 65. juubeliaasta juhatus.

Pildilt puuduvad: koguduse esimees Valter Must, Ilve Must, sekretär Andres Simonson, Raivo Reinup ja Harri Tuul, Tõnis Vaga, Erik Must.  Ees vasakult: Airi Vaga, MariaStar Zumpano (koguduse organist), Maie Currie (koguduse raamatupidaja), koguduse õpetaja Thomas Vaga, Eda Treumuth (koguduse abiesimees), Irene Verder, Luule Prima (koguduse laekur). Taga vasakult: Imbi Sepp, Ingrid Kangur (koguduse abisekretär), Uno Taps, Helgi Tarmo ja Anita Pallop. 


Ristimise talitus 2014

Risimise talistus toimus Lakewoodi Eesti Luteri kirikus ja ristimise toimetas koguduse õpetaja Thomas Vaga. Ristimise tõotus, mida loeti ristimisel: "In Christian love you have presented this child for Holy Baptism. You should, therefore, faithfully bring him to the services of God's house, and teach him the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments. As he grows in years, you should place in his hands the Holy Scriptures and provide for his instruction in the Christian faith, that, living in the covenant of his Baptism and in communion with the Church, he may lead a godly life until the day of Jesus Christ."  

21. detsembril, 2014 - Püha ristimise läbi võeti ristikiriku liikmeks Tiina (Laupa) ja Neal Hutselli (seisavad vasakul) esimene laps, Luke Everett.   Allpildid, Luke Everett ristiema Kaili (Rakfelt) Rehm'i süles.   Pildid Lukase vanaisa Allan Laupa poolt.

Pildil eesreas paremal vanavanaema Reet Laupa, Luke Everett ristiema Kaili süles  ja vanaema Liz Laupa ja tema kõrval teine vanaema, Neal'i ema. Ristiema taga lapse ema Tiina ja tema taga lapse isa Neal Hutsell. Tagareas vasakul Tiina vend, Luke'i onu Peter, Neal'i isa, kolmas vasakult Tiina vend, Luke'i risti-isa Allan ja tema taga vanaisa Allan laupa. Pilt on võetud ristimise päeval Lakewoodi Eesti kiriku altari ees.

Christmas 2014

Many families of mixed marriages, where one of the parents is an Estonian speaking American, the other an English speaking American, have joined our Estonian congregation and feel that our Church is also their family's ethnic congregation, Estonian Church. Their grandparents built and cared for this beautiful church building.  

This way feel also Matti and Christel Teder's family who came to their Estonian church for Christmas service. The Christmas service is always in Estonian and English with bible readings and hymns and message. In the photo are Matti and Christel in the middle, son Peter with his wife on the left and their three musical children.

Inimesi tul


607 East 7th Street
Lakewood NJ 08701

Thomas Vaga piiskop electus
Telefon-mobiil:  732-245-2584
Telefon-kodus:  732-363-0532
Katselei/office:  732-370-8317

Kenneth Ling, Chairman
Telefon-kodus:  732-363-2458

©  2011 - 2023 E.E.L.K. Lakewoodi Pühavaimu Kogudus / The Holy Ghost Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church.   All Rights Reserved
The images, backgrounds, and text are used with permission and are copyrighted by the image providers.  

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