Meie Kirk / About Us


Koguduse asutamisest möödus 60 aastat aastal 2009.

Kogudus asutati Lakewoodi Eesti Majas 12. veebruaril 1949. Asutamiskoosolekust võtsid osa ka Eesti Vabariigi peakonsul Johannes Kaiv ja minister Johannes Markus.

Kiriku arhitektiks oli H. Roomann. Struktuuri arvestuse tegi insener Harald Laupa. Mõlemad tasuta. Eshitustoimkonnas olid Harry Must (†), Edgar Tamm (†), Arnold Ruubas (†) ja Th. Vermann (†). Elektritööde arvestused tegid tasuta Armin Tamme ja ins. Viktor Toome.

Ehitus valmis vabatahtliku tööjõuga.

Kiriku nurgakivi asetati 2. juunil 1963 ja sinna asetati Piibel, Eesti lipp, ajakiri "Eesti Kirik", eesti ajaleht, kirikuehituse ürik ja koguduse liikmete nimestik.

Kiriku õnnistamine toimus 30. augustil 1964. Õnnistamisel teenisid praost Aleksander Hinno, abipraost Max Emil Saar, prof. dr. Artur Võõbus, õpetaja Elmar Pähn ja õpetaja Rudolf Reinaru.


The year 2009 marked the 60th anniversary of the founding of our congregation.

The congregation was established at the Lakewood Estonian House on the 12th of February 1949. Attending the meeting was the New York Consul General of Estonia Johannes Kaiv and Minister Johannes Markus.

The church's architect was H. Roomann and the structural engineer was Harald Laupa. Both as unpaid volunteers. The Building Committee included Harry Must (†), Edgar Tamm (†), Arnold Ruubas (†) and Th. Vermann (†). Electrical planning and design was done pro bono by Armin Tamme and engineer Viktor Toome.

The building was constructed by a volunteer workforce.

The church's cornerstone was placed on June 2nd, 1963. Set therein were a Bible, an Estonian flag, the newspaper Eesti Kirik, an Estonian newspaper, construction records and a church membership list.

The inaguration of the church took place on August 30th, 1964. Serving at the church service were Dean Aleksander Hinno, Assistant Dean Max Emil Saar, Prof. Dr. Artur Võõbus, Pastor Elmar Pähn and Pastor Rudolf Reinaru.

Lakewood church altar

Altarimaali tegi kunstnik Endel Kõks. Selle tähendust pole kunagi selgesti ettetoodud. Iga vaataja saab pildi osas teha oma otsuse, mis pilt kujutab.

Kiriku ajaloo raamatust: Altarimaal kujutab eesti rahva saatust, kus Jeesus Kristus on olnud abiks ja toeks eesti rahvale, kas Siberi taigadele küüditatuile, või vangikongides kannatanud vabadusvõitlejatele või põgenikuteedel läbi tormise mere ja neile, kes pääsesid uuele maale, vabadusse. Maali annetasid Harry Must ja Leo Haus. Maali tegemise ajal pidas Harry Must päevikut.

The painting behind the front altar is by artist Endel Kõks. Its meaning has not been definitively presented. As with all great masterpieces in the art world, each person gazing upon the work can form their own interpretation as to its meaning.

Writing for a historical record for the church, Airi Vaga says: "The altar painting depicts the fate of the Estonian people wherein Jesus Christ has come to their aid and has provided the strength for those deported to Siberia, the freedom fighters suffering in prison camps, the refugees escaping through stormy seas, and to those, who escaped to a new country and freedom. The painting was donated by Harry Must and Leo Haus. Harry Must kept a diary during the creation of the artwork.


607 East 7th Street
Lakewood NJ 08701

Thomas Vaga piiskop electus
Telefon-mobiil:  732-245-2584
Telefon-kodus:  732-363-0532
Katselei/office:  732-370-8317

Kenneth Ling, Chairman
Telefon-kodus:  732-363-2458

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